Community Events
Our community aims to help people transfer their experiences to newcomers and caregivers and learn from existing UK residents to develop social skills, social networks and improve their well-being in a friendly, informal, non-judgmental environment. Some of the activities we have carried out are;
1-) Walking/Jogging Groups:
We believe in the importance and value of outdoor excursions and trips. A trip away, however short, allows us time to think, reflect, and renew, especially if it is organized with this aim in mind. We, therefore organise a number of short excursions throughout the year. At the same time, we have 2 different cycling groups, and we make nature trips on pre-determined routes.

2-) Professional knowledge exchanges
We organise seminars for our colleagues from different parts of the world who have done different professions. It is very important for them to acquire a profession so that they can adapt to life in England. Until now, seminars have been given on construction works, fast food and the health sector. In December, a seminar on nursery management has been given to our community members who were employed as teachers before.
3-) Special Days
According to Muslim tradition, when the waters of the Great Flood began to recede, Prophet Noah and his family are said to have gathered up all of the food remaining, on the Ark and made the delicious pudding out of it. "Ashurah" is the name given to this dish. It is also known as "Noah's Pudding". In remembrance of Prophet Noah and in thanksgiving to God, the people of Anatolia and other Muslims have made it a custom to prepare this pudding on this day and share it with their neighbours and friends. Sharing food offers a way to reaffirm unity and the essential relationship of humans to one another, regardless of personal faith, background, and culture. To continue this good tradition and expand the experience of sharing love, peace, and compassion, we too are offering you a sample of Prophet Noah's homemade pudding. We took Ashurah to 200 people, about 60 families in August 2020 in Manchester.

4-) 5a-side Football Matches
Every week we have 5A-sides football matches with our male friends. After the game, we drink tea, eat cake and talking about the game. We enjoy every week by doing this activity